Update of the data retention policy

In compliance with the legislation (Legislative Decree 34/2023), which provides that reports must be retained only for the time necessary for their processing, we have set a data retention policy of 12 months, a time which seems appropriate to us to carry out the assessment activities and at the same time not detrimental to the principle of data processing minimization.

In a previous version of the software it was not possible to anticipate the expiry date of the report, while this could be postponed up to 12 months from the date of the operation, with this operation being able to be carried out as many times as the recipient wanted.

Following a development in the software, with reference to the single report, the recipient can bring forward the expiry of the reports by up to 3 months from the date of the operation and can extend the deadline of the reports for the time deemed appropriate for the processing of the data. Advances and extensions of deadlines can be made by the recipient several times.